Guidelines for reporting and evaluating the ERA4CS CO-funded projects.
The following templates for reporting and reviwing are also available in this section:
- Interim report template: To be fulfilled by the Leader Project Investigator (LPI)
- Review template: To be fulfilled by the Monitoring Team expert (MT)
Leader Project Investigator: Amy Oen, Asuncion Lera , Caroline Cusack, Christa Clapp, Christiana Photiadou, Chuansi Gao, Claire THUILLEZ, Claudia Pascoal, Dom Lethem, Elmar Kriegler, Enric Aguilar, Goneri Le Cozannet, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Katja Frieler, Len Shaffrey, Machiel Lamers, Maria Manez, Melisa Menendez, Petra Döll, Rafael Marcé, Roger Cremades, Rosa Lasaponara, Sara Basart, Silvio Gualdi, Sofia Simoes, Sofia Simoes, Stefan Liersch, Tina-SImone Neset, Valéry Masson
Monitoring team expert: Angela Köppl , Anne Coudrain, Antonio Turiel, Asuncion Lera , Claire SAOUT, Diane Chaumont, Dušana Dokupilová, Enrique Sanchez, Gabriela Teodorescu, Ghassem Asrar, Giulia Galluccio, Inès Alterio, liliana dumitrache, Mar Rodriguez, Mathilde Pascal, Peter Surda, Philippe Bougeault, Ralf Toumi, Roger Street, Susana Arad
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